Convening the Voices of Society to Navigate the AI Transition


We are at a turning point. It’s time to make positive, considered decisions about the role we want AI to play in our lives.

If you represent a private or public business, industry organization, think tank, university, NGO, government agency, or workforce organization and want to learn more about how to get involved, send us an email.


Fathom is a 501(c)(3) on a mission to convene the voices of society to ensure a successful transition to a world with AI.


What We Believe

AI is the defining technology of our lifetime. It offers tremendous potential to drive innovation and improve the day-to-day lives of the American people. We must also acknowledge that it poses important risks that bear consideration.

It brings not only a series of technical challenges in need of solutions, but also an opportunity for society to figure out through discussion and debate the role it wants AI to play in our future.

How We’ll Do It

  • Engage and amplify the diverse voices of society to define successful outcomes of a world with AI.
  • Convene and activate experts and thought leaders to create pragmatic paths for moving forward, based on the ambitions of society.
  • Engage and educate constituency groups, stakeholders, and decision makers to drive action with broad-based support.

Our Progress

2024 Fathom Report cover

Public Research

Our reports use focus groups and national polls to provide qualitative and quantitative data on American views and hopes for the future of AI.


The Ashby

To bring together the voices of society around AI, Fathom will host The Ashby Workshops at the Salamander Middleburg (outside Washington, DC) January 8-9, 2025. These workshops will convene leaders from government, key sectors, civil society, and more to co-create insights and recommendations for the incoming U.S. Congress and Administration.


Our Commitment

Our commitment is to the public interest.

We are not bound by any financial, political, or ideological interests. We believe that the whole of society should have a say in the development of a technology that will transform the way we live our lives.

Our Team

Our founding team has decades of experience across public affairs and policy advocacy, communications and storytelling, and building professional, effective and impactful organizations.

  • Blake Pierson
    Blake Pierson
    Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer
  • Andrew Freedman
    Andrew Freedman
    Co-Founder, Chief Strategy Officer
  • Julie Crabill
    Julie Crabill
    Co-Founder, Chief Communications Officer
  • Bri Treece
    Bri Treece
    Co-Founder and Chief Impact Officer
  • Erik Preston
    Erik Preston
    Senior Director of Strategy and Partnerships
  • Meredith Klee
    Meredith Klee
    Senior Director of Marketing
  • Alekhya Tallapaka
    Alekhya Tallapaka
    Director of Communications
  • Georgiana Gilgallon
    Georgiana Gilgallon
    Chief of Staff

Our Advisors & Researchers

  • Ret. Rear Admiral Wyman (Hugh W. Howard III.)
    Ret. Rear Admiral Wyman (Hugh W. Howard III.)
    Commander, Naval Special Warfare Command
  • Andy Hickl
    Andy Hickl
    CTO, The Allen Institute
  • Prof. S. Craig Watkins
    Prof. S. Craig Watkins
    Executive Director of IC2 Institute at UT Austin
  • Steve Omohundro
    Steve Omohundro
    CEO, Beneficial AI Research & Research Lead, QAISI
  • Prof. Eitan Hersh
    Prof. Eitan Hersh
    Professor of Political Science, Tufts University
  • Jeff Alstott
    Jeff Alstott
    Founding Director, RAND Center for Technology & Security Policy
  • Gregory C. Allen
    Gregory C. Allen
    Director, Wadhwani Center for AI & Advanced Technologies, CSIS

Join the Movement